dijous, 14 de gener del 2010

Global Warming Activity

By Júlia Macarulla, Estel Modamio i Paula Moreno.


- How will be the world in future?

The future is out of our vision, but if we don't change our minds, the most possible think that will happen is that the life of the world will dissappear.

- What's global warming? Which are the factors that contribute to it?

Global warming is the increase of the earth temperature.
Is produce by the greenhouse effect. The factors that contribute to it are the cars, the factories,... polution in general.

- What will happen with endangered species if the things carry on like nowadays?

If the things carry on like nowadays the endangered species will be extinge because their environment will be destroyed

- What can we do to stop global warming?

There are many things that we can do to stop global warming, for example: recycling, reduction of gases emition, stop cutting trees, etc. But the first thing that we have to do is to be aware of global warming acting all together.

- Are you worried about that? Do you think that people are aware of what could happen? Why? Give your personal opinion.

Yes, we are very worried about it, but we think that there are people that aren’t aware of what will happen, because they haven’t change their life’s stile.

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